ISO/IEC 29167-1 ed2.0 Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Part 1: Security services for RFID air interfaces 中国船舶标准网_船舶行业标准 标准全文阅读
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Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Part 1: Security services for RFID air interfaces

标准号:ISO/IEC 29167-1 ed2.0
标准号 ISO/IEC 29167-1 ed2.0
标准名称 Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Part 1: Security services for RFID air interfaces
发布日期 2014-08-06
国际标准分类号(ICS) 35.040Character sets and information coding*Including coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information, IT security techniques, encryption, bar coding, electronic signatures, etc.
技术委员会 JTC 1/SC 31- Automatic identification and data capture techniques
摘要 ISO/IEC 29167-1:2014 defines the architecture for security services for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces standards for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common technical specification for optional security services for RFID devices that may be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards. ISO/IEC 29167-1:2014 defines various security features called security mechanisms that can be implemented by a tag depending on the application. A tag may support one, a subset, or all of the specified security mechanisms. For an interrogator it is possible to get information about the security mechanisms that are actually implemented and supported by a tag. Moreover, it has been considered that adding new security mechanisms remains possible. Besides signalling the presence of certain security services, further details of the mechanisms such as utilized encryption algorithm and key length also need to be specified and accessible. ISO/IEC 29167-1:2014 defines the requirements for crypto suites defined in further parts of ISO/IEC 29167 and furthermore defines how crypto suites identifiers are assigned to the various parts of ISO/IEC 29167.
来源 IEC
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